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Title of paper Name of the author/s Department of the teacher Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Link to the recognition in UGC enlistment of the Journal
Ester Derivative of PCMX as Potential Antibbacterial Agent Vijay D.Gangan Science International Journal of Scientific Research in Science & Technology 2023-2024 Print ISSN – 2395-6011, Online ISSN – 2395-602X View 
Business Management through Women Entrepreneurship Mrs. Sonal Ayush Jalan Management Studies Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 2023-2024 ISSN – 0378-1143 View 
Textile Industry Management in Mumbai Region Mrs. Sonal Ayush Jalan Management Studies European Economics Letter 2023-2024 ISSN – 2323-5233 View 
Impact of E-HRM Practices in the working environment of banking sector: An Employee Centered Analysis Mrs. Sangjukta Halder Commerce Education Administration Theory & Practice 2023-2024 ISSN:2148-2403 View 

Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the year


  Sr.No. Name of the author/s Title of paper Name of journal Year of publication ISSN Number View Document
1. Ms. Ruby Ghosh Analysing the Role of ESG in Mitigation of Business Risks Phalanx A Quarterly Review for Continuing Debate 2022-2023 2320-7698 View 
2. Mr. Amit C. Gupta and Ms. Urmila A. Chauhan A Critical Analysis of Impact of Online shopping on Consumer Behaviour Phalanx A Quarterly Review for Continuing Debate 2022-2023 2320-7698 View 
3. Ms. Sonal Jain and Mr. Abhishek M. Naik Research on Human Resource Management Performance Management & Reward System Phalanx A Quarterly Review for Continuing Debate 2022-2023 2320-7698 View 
4. Ms. Sangeeta Kalwale Usage of Social Media application tools in Libraries: Futuristic Perspective Phalanx A Quarterly Review for Continuing Debate 2022-2023 2320-7698 View 
5. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral and Dr. Sunny Narendra Mehta A Study on Scope of Service Marketing Phalanx A Quarterly Review for Continuing Debate 2022-2023 2320-7698 View 
6. Ms. Saishruti Bhatt and Ms. Nidhi Chaubey Bridging the Gap between the past and present: The role of Information Technology in Archaeological Research of Petroglyphs in the Konkan Region of Maharashtra, India Madhya Bharti-Humanities and Social Sciences 2022-2023 0974-0066 View
7. Ms. Kriti Mehta and Ms. Minu Khan Nonverbal Communication at Work Madhya Bharti-Humanities and Social Sciences 2022-2023 0974-0066 View 
8. Ms. Abeda Shaikh and Mr. Darshan Joshi To Examine the effects of Portfolio Investment Decisions on end users Madhya Bharti-Humanities and Social Sciences 2022-2023 0974-0066 View 
9. Dr. Vijay D. Gangan Antifeedant Xanthone from Swertia Decussata IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences 2022-2023 Print: 2319 1775 Online : 2320 7876 View 
10. Dr. Vijay D. Gangan Ester Derivatives of Eugenol as Potential Antibacterial Agent IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences 2022-2023 Print: 2319 1775 Online : 2320 7876 View
11. Dr. Vijay D. Gangan Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Novel Dehydrodiisoeugenol Derivatives IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences 2022-2023 Print: 2319 1775 Online : 2320 7876 View 
12. Dr. Narendra S. Mehta Microplastic Contamination of Drinking Water: A Systematic Review Shodh Prabha (UGC Care Listed Journal) 2022-2023 View 

Books & Chapters - in conference proceedings

  Sr. No. Name of the Teacher Title of the Book/Chapters Year of Publication ISBN/ISSN Number Name of the Publisher View Document
1. Dr. Vijay D. Gangan, Ms. Priyanka A Save, Ms. Krishnalekha Nadar Paraben Derivatives as Future Petential Drug 2022-2023 2277-5730 AJANTA View 
2. Ms. Abeda Shaikh and Dr. Vaishali Kothiya To Study Investment Patterns and Customer Attitudes in Relatino to Mutual Funds 2022-2023 2277-5730 AJANTA View 
3. Dr. Vijay D. Gangan and Ms. Priyanka A Save Production of Cost Effective, Biodegradable, Disposable Sanitary Napkins Using Banana Fibres 2022-2023 2277-5730 AJANTA View 
4. Mr. Amit C. Gupta and Ms. Urmila A Chauhan A Study on Students Attitudes towards online shopping platforms 2022-2023 2277-5730 AJANTA View 
5. Ms. Krishnalekha Nadar, Dr. Vijay D. Gangan, Ms. Priyanka S. Save, Ms. Sukanya Sawant Statistics and Blood Glucose Monitoring 2022-2023 2277-5730 AJANTA View 
6. Mr. Frank Remedios Subliminal Advertising: Utilizing Deception to Influence Consumption Habits 2022-2023 2277-5730 AJANTA View 
7. Ms. Ruby Ghosh ESG Plays Pivota; Role to Mitigate Business Risks and Boost Investors Confidence 2022-2023 2277-5730 AJANTA View 
8. Ms. Pooja Sukhadare and Mr. Shailesh Vilas Nigawale Research on Hotel Management and Quality of Hotel Services 2022-2023 2277-5730   View 
9. Mr. Abhishek M. Naik Research on Hotel’s Food Waste Reduction in regards to Sustainable National Development 2022-2023 AJANTA Print: 2319 1775 Online : 2320 7876 View 
10. Mr. Shailesh Vilas Nigawale Economic Development: Issues & Challenges Research on Amenable Tourism in regards to Sustainable Development of Maharashtra Tourism 2022-2023 AJANTA Print: 2319 1775 Online : 2320 7876 View 
11. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Entrepreneurial Research & Skill Development in India 2022-2023 978-93-94779-24-2 Bharti Publications View 
12. Ms. Sneha Khandait Fixed Point theory and it’s applications 2022-2023 ICRACBS 2022 View 
13. Mr. Omprakash Yadav Intensity of Plasma and depositino of Nanoparticle under Vacuum Pressure and its applications 2022-2023 ICRACBS 2022 View 
14. Ms. Priyanka A Save Methyl Paraben Derivates as Future Potential Drug 2022-2023 ICRACBS 2022 View 
15. Dr. Vijay D. Gangan Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Novel Benzofuran Derivatives 2022-2023 ICRACBS 2022 View 
16. Ms. Anamika Singh Mobius Band Surprise: A Systematic Illusion in Imagery 2022-2023 ICRACBS 2022 View 


  Sr.No.   Name   Title   ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding
1. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Impact Of Wafe Recession On Employee Loyalty During Covid-19 SCOPUS
2. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Service Marketing ISBN-978-93-5576-153-8
3. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Strategic HRM & HR Policies ISBN-978-93-5576-161-3
4. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Rural Marketing ISBN-978-93-5576-168-2
5. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Human Resource Management ISBN-978-93-5576-173-6
6. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Environmental Management (FC-III) ISBN-978-93-5576-022-7
7. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Advertising ISBN-978-93-5576-180-4
8. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Consumer Behaviour ISBN-978-93-5576-007-4
9. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Export Marketing ISBN-978-93-5576-148-4
10. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Marketing ISBN-978-93-927000-58-3
11. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Management: Functions& Challenges ISBN-978-93-5576-143-9
12. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Introduction to Business ISBN-978-93-5576-137-8
13. Vaishali P. Kothiya Marketing Strategies of Zomato with Special Reference to Content Marketing ISSN: 0378 – 4568
UGC Care Group – I
14. Vaishali P. Kothiya Impact on human psychological behavior due to covid 19 ISSN 2005-4238 (SCOPUS)
15. Vaishali Kothiya Business Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility ISBN-978-93-5576-166-8
16. Vaishali Kothiya Stress Management ISBN-978-93-5576-181-1
17. Amit Gupta Motivation & Leadership ISBN-978-93-5576-030-2
18. Amit Gupta Advertising I ISBN-978-93-5576-140-8
19. Nilesh Dubey Financial Accounting ISBN-978-93-5576-150-7
20. Nilesh Dubey Accounting & Financial Management – I ISBN-978-93-5576-133-0
21. Nilesh Dubey Accounting & Financial Management ISBN-978-93-5576-138-5
22. Darshan Joshi Financial Accounting (Elements of Financial Accounting I) ISBN-978-93-5576-160-6
23. Sonal Jain Management Applications (Management – II) ISBN-978-93-5576-165-1
24. Sonal Jain Marketing Research ISBN-978-93-5576-157-6
25. Sonal Jain Foundation of Human Skills ISBN-978-93-5576-175-0
26. Sonal Jain Financial Market Operations (Foundation Course in Commerce-III) ISBN-978-93-5576-163-7
27. Sonal Jain Business Environment (Commerce) ISBN-978-93-5576-159-0
28. Sonal Jain Customer Relationship Management ISBN-978-93-5576-134-7
29. Sonal Jain Financial Accounting (Special Accounting Areas) ISBN-978-93-5576-162-0
30. Darshan Joshi Significance of Globalization on Cryptocurrencies in India ISSN: 2582-7359
31. Kriti Gulecha Mehta Perception Of the Consumer Buying on E-Commerce Website During Globalization Era ISSN: 2582-7359
33. Bhagyashree Tripathi Sustainable Tourism @ New Normal ISSN: 2582-7359
34. Sowmiya Kumar The Significance of E-Commerce in Emerging Markets during the era of Globalization ISSN: 2582-7359
35. Montinha Rodrigues Impact of Globalization on world culture ISSN 2582-7359
36. Rinkle Solanki Urban transportation issues and concerns ISSN 2582-7359
37. Nikita gupta Students employability through extention activities ISSN 2582-7359
38. Sonal Jain Challenges faced by teachers during pandemic on online platforms ISSN 2582-7359
39. Abeda Shaikh To study impact of globalization on online education ISSN 2582-7359
40. Pooja Waghela Awareness of women laws a must in lockdown times ISSN 2582-7359
41. Vaishali Kothiya An empirical study on tax planning among salried individual with special reference to thane city ISSN 2582-7359
42. Abeda Shaikh To study the impact of E-wallet on E Commerce Sector ISBN 978-93-91669-09-6 IARA
44. Abeda Shaikh To examine the effect of cryptocurrency on Consumer satisfaction and perception ISSN : 2394-7780
46. Kriti Mehta Legalization of Cryptocurrencies in India ISSN : 2394-7780
47. Tamanna Agrawal Role of AI in the Future of Automotive in India ISSN : 2394-7780
48. Sonam Dwivedi Impact of Social Media at workplace ISSN : 2394-7780
49. Neha Toraskar Impact of COVID 19 on Handicrafts Industry in India ISSN : 2394-7780
50. Harshit Sheth The Growth of Social Media in the last 10 years ISSN : 2394-7780
51. Nitika Gupta Marketing Analysis of Retail Banking, Its Challenges and Opportunities ISSN : 2394-7780
52. Darshan Joshi Impact of Algorithm Trading on Financial Markets ISSN : 2394-7780
56. Amit Gupta A Comparatively analysis on Consumers’ Opinions on Cell Phones and Brand Equity ISSN : 2394-7780
58. Genevieve patel Gender stereotypes in media and workplace ISSN : 2394-7780
59. Bhupal B Dhongade Analyzing Consumer Behaviour using Big Data ISSN : 2394-7780
60. Purnima Padhye Menstruation And Psychological Distress Amongst Women ISSN : 2394-7780
61. Divyaja K. Satam GST in India and its Impact on Indian Economy ISSN : 2394-7780
62. Pooja Waghela Factors Affecting Digital Payments By Individuals in India.(With Special Reference To Mumbai City) ISSN : 2394-7780
63. Abeda Shaikh To examine the impact of investment strategy and patterns among young people with references to Mumbai city ISSN:2581-9429
64. Abeda Shaikh Emerging markets economic aspects the future of Mutual funds ISSN:2581-9429
65. Harshit Rajesh Sheth The Parallel Economy of India: Impact on Economic and Social System ISSN : 2582-7839
66. Nilesh Dubey The parallel economy of india: impact on economic and social system ISSN : 2582-7839




  Sr.No.   Name   Title   ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding
1. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Impact of covid 19 on consumer buying behavior an analytical study carried out in thane district ISSN : 0378 4568
2. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Innovative teaching learning practices in higher education @ new normal ISSN : 2582-7359
3. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Digital Marketing: A Boon for Atmanirbhar Bharat ISBN 978-93-5445-023-5
4. Vaishali P. Kothiya An Empirical Study of Students’ Attitudes toward E-Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in India ISSN 2456-8937 UGC CARE
5. Vaishali P. Kothiya Effect of COVID-19 on Women with Dual Responsibilities: Work from Home & Work for Home ISSN 2005-4238 (SCOPUS)
6. Vaishali Kothiya Youth Empowerment: A Key to Atmanirbhar Bharat ISBN 978-93-5445-023-5
7. Vaishali Kothiya Generation Z – Their Perception of Work & Work Culture ISSN 2005-4238 (SCOPUS)
8. Amit Gupta How Digital Marketing Affects Consumer Behavior ISBN 978-93-5445-023-5
9. Sonal Jain Pandemic as an Opportunity ISBN 978-93-5445-023-5
10. Nilesh Dubey Rural Insurance opportunities in rural masses post covid era ISSN : 2582-7359
11. Nikita Gupta Protection top female workers force for higher employability ISSN : 2582-7359
12. Abeda Shaikh Awareness of cyber bullying in new normal ISSN : 2582-7359
13. Abeda Shaikh To study consumer perception towards online grocery store in Mumbai ISBN:978-81-952196-2-9
14. Abeda Shaikh To Study the impact of M banking on consumers behaviour ISBN:978-81-952196-2-9
15. Abeda Shaikh Virtual Learning: A 21st century approach towards education ISBN :978-81-944813-0-0, IARA
16. Darshan Joshi Pandemic As An Opportunity For E-Commerce Business ISSN: 0378 – 4568 UGC Care Group – I
17. Sonal Jain Pandemic As An Opportunity For E-Commerce Business ISSN: 0378 – 4568 UGC Care Group – I
18. Sowmiya Kumar The Significance of E-Commerce in Emerging Markets During Covid-19 Era ISSN: 0378 – 4568 UGC Care Group – I


  Sr.No.   Name   Title   ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding
1. Vaishali Kothiya The Age of Social Media & Its Influence on Consumer Behavior ISSN 2394-3114 (UGC Care & Peer Reviewed)
2. Vaishali Kothiya Use of Mobile by Urban Customers to Buy Goods Online ISSN 1006- 7930 (SCOPUS)
3. Vaishali Kothiya Microfinance: The Influencing Tool in Women Empowerment in India ISSN 2394-7780
4. Vaishali Kothiya Comparative Study on Stress Among Working & Non-working Women ISSN 2394-7780 (Peer Reviewed Journal)
5. Vaishali Kothiya A Study on Working Women with Shared Responsibility and its Effect on Mental Health ISSN 2394-7780 (Peer Reviewed Journal)
6. Abeda Shaikh A change in behaviour pattern of customer attitude related to online food app 2394-7780 SJIF Process – 7.363
7. Abeda Shaikh M-learning : New Era Transformation towards education ISBN :978-81-944813-0-0 IARA
8. Dishita Ratadia Digital Education in India with special reference to SWAYAM ISSN 2394-7780
  Sr.No.   Name   Title   ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding
1. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Commerce III ISBN – 978-93-5273-327-9
2. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Commerce IV (SYBCOM) ISBN – 978-93-5273-624-9
3. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Commerce V (TYBCOM) ISBN – 978-93-5299-203-4
4. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Talent and Competency Management ISBN – 978-93-8778-91-7
5. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral HRM in global perspective (TYBMS VI) ISBN-978-93-5262-405-8
6. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Management of change issues and challenges ISSN 2322-0899
7. Vaishali Kothiya A Study on Microfinance and its Facilities: Awareness level of People in Mumbai City ISSN 2394-7780
8. Vaishali Kothiya An Empirical Study on perceptions towards tax planning among college students ISSN 2277-5730
9. Rinkle Solanki Ecommerce in India ISBN-2278-5620
10. Roshni Shah E-Governance: How an EGovernance is a Challenge for India ISSN 2277-5730
11. Amit Gupta Evaluating the impact of social media on relationship markrting ISSN 2277-5730
13. Roshni Shah Network Security with Cryptography ISBN 2277-5730
14. Jayshree Parmar Women Empowerment through Entrepreneurship ISBN 2277-5730
15. Amit Gupta Changing trends in banking ISSN 2322-0899
16. Rinkle Solanki Information Technology: The Future in Artificial Intelligence ISSN-2322-0899
17. Rinkle Solanki Network Security With cryptography ISBN 2277-5730
  Sr.No.   Name   Title   ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding
1. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Different Perspective of Skilled and Non skilled Employee in India “ISSN-2278-8158-8158 Impact Factor – 4.42”
2. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Need of Business Ethics and It’s Social Responsibility ISSN: 2249-894X Impact Factor – 5.2331
3. Dr. Satinder Kaur Gujral Need of business ethics and its social responsibility ISBN 978-93-87656-25-3
4. Vaishali Kothiya A Study: on Impact of GST on Banks & Financial Services ISSN 2319 – 2429
5. Vaishali Kothiya Marketing Trends in the Banking Industries. ISSN 2231-1475
6. Vaishali Kothiya education : past, present and future ISSN :2278-8158
7. Vaishali Kothiya A Study on Various Threats Associated with Loans Through ATM Using Debit cards (Published) ISSN-2319-4766 Impact factor-SJIF 2015-5.403
8. Amit Gupta contemporary issue of e commerce and its implication in indian economy ISSN :2231-1475
9. Amit Gupta Entrepreneurship a boost to skill development ISSN 2278-8158
10. Anita Ghadigankar Performance appraisal technique adopted by companies ISSN :2231-1475
11. Prashant Pendhari outsourcing its procs & crons ISSN :2231-1475
12. Prathiksha Amin Trends in human Resource management ISSN :2231-1475
13. Rahul Mukherjee Scenario showcasing fluctuations in demand as per changing selective parameters by consumers ISSN :2231-1475
14. Reena Arbune Evaluation of electronic human resource management in higher education ISSN :2231-1475
15. Rinkle solanki Applied ERP in Education ISSN :2231-1475
16. Santosh Walke The financial management of the small enterprise ISSN :2231-1475
17. Shraddha Jain GST & PRICE (Financial management/ marketing mix price) ISSN :2231-1475
18. Urmila Chauhan Future scope & challenges of E- commerce India ISSN :2231-1475
19. Minaxi Gurav Future scope & challenges of E- commerce India ISSN :2231-1475
20. Sonal Jain Emerging Trends in Human Resource Management ISSN 2231-1475
21. Nidhi Bagaria Privatisation of higher Education – A critical Analysis ISSN 2278-8158
22. Prashant Pendhari Problems facing by Indian Higher Education ISSN 2278-8158
23. Prathiksha Amin Commerce and Education in India ISSN 2278-8158
24. Reena Arbune Different perspective of skilled and non skilled employee in India ISSN 2278-8158
25. Rupum Mehra A study on Mathematics & Education ISSN 2278-8158
26. Saniya Kasu Higher Education in India : Challenges and opportunities ISSN 2278-8158
27. Santosh Walke Privatisation in Education ISSN 2278-8158
28. Shraddha Jain Commerce and education ISSN 2278-8158
29. Shraddha p. Ayare/span> Engineering and Education ISSN 2278-8158
30. Sonal Jain Impact of Globalization on Higher Education in India: Issues, Challenges and Alternatives ISSN 2278-8158
31. Sonal Jain Education of change- Issues and Challenges ISSN 2278-8158
32. Suresh Rokkadkatti Act, Yoga,Health and Physical Education ISSN 2278-8158
33. Urmila Chauhan A study on Awareness of Mutual funds as an Investment option ISSN 2278-8158
35. Rinkle Solanki Education of change- Issues and Challenges ISSN-2278-8158
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