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Under Graduate Degree


B.A is a three-year course designed to develop an understanding of human at large. Apart from two distinct languages, students opting for a Bachelor of Arts degree learn basics of Anthropology, History, Literature, Psychology, Political Science, Philosophy, etc. These subjects combined together give students a clear understanding of how civilizations work and help in developing sought-after skills like critical thinking, communication and problem-solving.


A Bachelor of Arts is a broad interdisciplinary undergraduate degree program encompassing general education, electives and major area of study courses. B.A. programs generally give you more flexibility in choosing your course. By taking courses in the arts and humanities, you can deepen your cultural understanding and awareness, in addition to developing analytical, critical thinking, written and communication skills.


Bachelor of Arts (BA) is an undergraduate course. It is composed of many expressive disciplines and offers various subject combinations to candidates to choose from apart from 1-2 compulsory subjects. Candidates pursuing B.A course have the option of choosing major and minor in English, French or any other linguistic course, Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, History, Religious Studies, and more subject areas.


After completion of the course, the degree qualification opens up opportunities in sectors such as Teacher, Content Writer/Features Writer, Public Relations Executive, Journalist, Social Worker, Customer Care Executive, and HR Executive. Some of the public sector areas where a BA degree holder can work are Banks, Indian Administrative Services, Secretariat, Indian Postal Department, and Indian Railways, Army and Navy and others such.

After completion of the course, a student can also pursue a Master's Degree related to their field of interest.


A candidate for being eligible for admission to the three-year integrated course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination conducted by the different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education with the following subjects

1. English

2. Any one of the Modern Indian Languages or Modern Foreign Languages or any classical Language or Information Technology.

3. Any four subjects carrying 100 marks each.


Must have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate (Std. XII) examination with vocational subject conducted by the different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education with the following subjects:-

1. English.

2. Any one vocational subject carrying 200 marks prescribed by the Board from time to time.

3. Any three subjects carrying 100 marks each.

Scheme of examination system –

(Traditional Course)

The performance of the learners will be evaluated on the basis of one component i.e. External Examination.

Semester End Examination – 100 marks

Duration – 3 hours.

  • PSO 1: Graduates will display competence to work in a variety of testing careers like Social Scientist, Communications, Civil Services, psychologists and responsible professions like teaching.
  • PSO 2: Learners with an arts degree will have the knowledge, insight, and skills to face pressing global concerns and successfully express solutions.
  • PSO 3: Graduates will demonstrate ability to analyse, evaluate, and solve problems in a practical way.
  • PSO 4: Graduates will demonstrate understanding and academic excellence in Historic Knowledge, Contemporary Global Issues, Indian Economy, Society, Psychology, International Relations, Human Rights, and Public Administration. The students will exhibit the ability to think critically and do research in political science.


Semester 1
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Foundation Course - I To study about the various religions, caste, linguistic diversity, etc. in India.
2 Hindi To make the students understand various stories and poems and also basic Hindi grammar.
3 Communication Skills in English To enhance language proficiency by providing adequate exposure to reading and writing skills.
4 Economics I This subject is designed to expose the students to the basic principles of microeconomic theory. The emphasis will be on the development of analytical thinking with the help of statistical tools among the students and develop the skill of application of microeconomics concepts to analyze the real-life situations.
5 History I The course is designed to make the student aware about the making of modern India and the struggle for independence.
6 Sociology I To introduce students to the basic concepts of social work and in the Indian context.
7 Psychology I To impart knowledge of the basic concepts and modern trends in Psychology.
Semester 2
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Foundation Course – II To study about the LPG policy, farmer's suicide in India, etc.
2 Hindi To let the students learn more about compositions, story writings, etc.
3 Communication Skills in English II To orient the learners towards the functional aspects of language.
4 Economics II As a logical sequence to Microeconomics Paper I, this paper is aimed at giving supply-side knowledge of Economics to the learner which will enhance their knowledge about aspects of production, cost, and revenue analysis, theories of distribution and understanding about the market structure.
5 History II To make the students aware about Socio-Religious Reform Movements, Education, Press, and Transport, etc.
6 Sociology II To acquaint students with the concept of development and apply critical thinking to them about the existing dilemmas, issues, and problems in the development of India.
7 Psychology II To make the students aware of the applications of Psychological concepts in different areas of day to day life.
Semester 3
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Foundation Course III Develop a basic understanding about issues related to Human Rights of weaker sections, ecology, and science and technology.
2 Mass Communication I To develop an awareness about the complexity of communication in a dynamic business environment and to introduce the students to some major aspects of communication and mass communication.
3 Economics III The course is designed to develop the student’s understanding of the basic tools of microeconomic analysis. It builds on the material covered in semester 1 and is designed to help the student apply microeconomics to the real world.
4 History III To enable the students to comprehend the transition of Europe from medieval to modern times and its impact on the world. To provide accurate knowledge of the most significant events and personalities of the period under study and encourage understanding of the making of the modern world.
5 PSYCHOLOGY III  To impart knowledge of the basic concepts and modern trends in Social Psychology and To impart knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts, principles, perspectives and modern trends in Developmental Psychology.
6 SOCIOLOGY III To make the learner aware of the context of sociology and social welfare.
Semester 4
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Foundation Course IV To study about Significant, contemporary Rights of Citizens, Approaches to understanding Ecology, etc.
2 Mass Communication To develop among the students a critical understanding of the Mass Media with regard to their presentation formats, roles and audiences in the Indian context.
3 Economics IV This paper is designed to build on the understanding of basic macroeconomic identity introduced in sem II. The various components are detailed here in the context of a closed economy. The objective is to enable the student to understand how the interest rate and income level are determined in a closed economy and how a policy may affect these outcomes.
4 History IV To acquaint the students with different sources of Ancient Indian History. To enable the students to understand the political, socio-economic and cultural developments in the period under study and appreciate the rich cultural heritage in India.
5 PSYCHOLOGY IV To make the students aware of the applications of the various concepts in Social Psychology in the Indian context and To make the students aware of the implications and applications of the various concepts, principles, and theories of Developmental Psychology in daily life in the Indian context.
6 SOCIOLOGY IV To acquaint students with the changes in the field of social welfare.

FYBA Syllabus

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1 FYBA  Sem-I & II View

SYBA Syllabus

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1 SYBA  Sem III & IV View

TYBA Syllabus

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1 TYBA Sem V & VI View
INTRODUCTION is a three-year course. This is designed for the student, who wants to perceive their career in the field of Accounting, Finance, Banking, Insurance Management, etc. The course covers the major areas ranging from fundamental to advanced concepts in the subject offered in the course.


The Degree is designed to provide the students with a wide range of management skills while at the same time building competence in a particular area. The Degree provides the necessary skills for General Managers, Entrepreneurs, and Business leaders to function effectively in a variety of business-related career opportunities.


The student is exposed to generate business principles, quantitative analysis, case studies, and organizational behavior. The curriculum thus focuses both on academic subjects such as statistics, mathematics, and economics, as well as practical business subjects, such as accountancy, law, management, marketing, finance, etc.


After completion of the course, the student would have acquired the necessary competence to work with banks, insurance companies, and financial institutions. It has also been estimated that more than 65 lacs professional will be added in the next 5-6 years in the financial sector, thereby creating a gap that can be filled by newly graduated students. After completion of the course, a subject can also pursue a master's degree related to their area interest.


Following is the eligibility criterion for admission of class: –

1. Those who have passed the Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination (Std XII) conducted by the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education in the following subjects :

i. English

ii. Anyone of the Modern Indian Languages or Modern Foreign Languages taught in the college.

iii. Four other subjects from among the other subjects.


2. Three subjects from among the subjects mentioned below and one subject from among the remaining optional subjects for the Higher Secondary Certificate Examination.

i. Economics

ii. Bookkeeping

iii. Organization of Commerce

iv. Co-operation

3. Those who have passed an examination of another university / Board or Body recognized as equivalent thereto.

 Compulsory Subjects
Book Keeping & Accountancy
Organisation Of Commerce & Management
 Health & Physical Education
 Optional Subjects
Hindi/Information Technology
Secretarial Practice/ Mathematics
  • PSO 1: Acquire fundamental knowledge in the fields of commerce, business, accounting, economics, and finance, auditing, marketing, entrepreneurship development & overall general legal framework of the business and apply theoretical concepts to business practices.
  • PSO 2: Analyse relationships among commerce, trade industry, services, management and administration.
  • PSO 3: Acquire skills to work as tax consultant, audit assistant and other financial supporting services.
  • PSO 4: Play roles of businessmen, entrepreneurs, managers, and consultants, which will help learners to possess knowledge and other soft skills and to react aptly when confronted with critical decision making.


Semester 1
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Accountancy and Financial Management-I To train on Basic knowledge of Accounting standards issued by ICAI and Inventory valuation, Final Accounts, Departmental Accounts Accounting for Hire Purchase
2 Commerce-I To impart knowledge about the business environment, project planning, and entrepreneurship.
3 Business economics-I To provide them the knowledge of basic concepts of microeconomics.
4 Business Communication-I Develop communication skills and improve the overall personality of the students To inculcate in students the Communication skills.
5 Environmental Studies-I To make them understand various aspects and components of the environment with its importance for the existence of life and sustainable development.
6 Foundation Course-I To make them understand the concept of Disparity, Indian constitution, and political processes.
7 Mathematical & Statistical Techniques-I Inculcate Mathematical & Statistical skills and to play with numbers and able to help for research analysis.
Semester 2
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Accountancy and Financial Management-II To train on accounting for incomplete accounts, consignment accounts, branch accounts, and fire insurance claim.
2 Commerce-II To impart knowledge on the basics of the service sector, retailing and e-commerce.
3 Business economics-II To enhance the knowledge on microeconomics by including the study of various market conditions and pricing policies.
4 Business Communication-II This subject gives students knowledge about presentation skills, group discussion, business correspondence and language, and writing skills.
5 Environmental Studies-II To make them understand the solid waste management, agriculture and industrial development, tourism and environment and map filling.
6 Foundation Course-II To give them a basic idea of globalization, human rights, ecology and managing stress and conflict in contemporary society.
7 Mathematical & Statistical Techniques-II It helps the students to understand various Mathematical tools & how to apply them in the industry to make decisions profitable.
Semester 3
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Accountancy and Financial Management-III To give advanced knowledge of Accounting practices of partnership firm and also accounting for conversion of a firm to company.
2 Financial Accounting& Auditing- Introduction to Management Accounting To highlight the important practices adopted in management accounting for the decision making of internal management.
3 Commerce-III To make students aware of the Management concepts & how does it affect the well-being & decision making criteria’s of the business.
4 Business Economics-III Gives brief knowledge on various concepts of Macro Economics including concepts of Keynesian economics.
5 Foundation Course It contains topics that are contemporary, scientific and informative acquainting students to be aware of their surroundings and keep them updated with issues relating to Human Rights, disasters, Science and Development and Developing Soft Skills.
6 Advertising To provide information about various concepts and functions of Advertising in marketing.
7 Business Law -I To guide them knowledge regarding the Law & order system of India.
Semester 4
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Accountancy and Financial Management-IV To guide them on the next level of Accounts i.e. company account-related aspects & enhance their technical knowledge & skills.
2 Financial Accounting& Auditing- Auditing To make them understand everything about auditing.
3 Commerce-IV To provide them the knowledge of Commercial functioning of Economy in detail.
4 Business Economics-IV To make them aware of the different aspects of a national economy & its related parameters.
5 Foundation Course To impart knowledge about Indian society & the issues of it.
6 Advertising To make them understand about media in advertising, planning an advertising campaign, execution, and evaluation of advertising and fundamentals of creativity in advertising.
7 Business Law -II To give them a basic idea on Law & order related to a factory, industry & company.
Semester 5
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Financial Accounting& Auditing: VII- Financial Accounting To make the students learn the practices of final accounts of Companies, internal reconstruction, buyback of shares, investment accounting and ethical behavior and implications for an account.
2 Financial Accounting& Auditing: VIII- Cost Accounting This provides knowledge about material cost, labor cost, overheads, classification of costs and cost sheet and reconciliation of cost and financial accounts.
3 Commerce-V To provide the students with in-depth knowledge of marketing and marketing decisions.
4 Business Economics-V To provide an overview of Macroeconomic of India, agriculture during the post-reform period and the Industry and Service sector During the post-reform period and banking and financial market
5 Direct & Indirect Taxes Paper-I To provide the students with in-depth knowledge of aspects related to direct taxes applicable in our Country.
6 Export Marketing Paper I/ Computer Systems & Applications Paper I Students are allowed to choose any one elective out of these two subjects based on their area of interest. Both of these subjects provide special knowledge in their respective fields to the students.
Semester 6
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Financial Accounting& Auditing: IX- Financial Accounting To make the students learn the practices of Amalgamation, Absorption and External Reconstruction, accounting of transactions of foreign currency, liquidation of companies, underwriting of shares and debentures and accounting for limited liability Partnership.
2 Financial Accounting& Auditing: IX- Cost Accounting This provides the knowledge about cost control accounts, contract costing, process costing, introduction to marginal costing, standard costing and some emerging concepts of cost accounting.
3 Commerce-VI To provide the students with in-depth knowledge of Human Resource Management
4 Business Economics-VI To introduce International Trade, Commercial Policy, Balance of Payments and IEO and financial Exchange market.
5 Direct & Indirect Taxes Paper-II To make the students understand the concept of Levy and Collection of Tax, time place and value of supply, Input tax credit, and payment of tax, registration under GST Law.
6 Export Marketing Paper-II/ Computer Systems & Applications Paper-II Students have to continue with the elective they have already opted in Sem V and on this level they will get any advanced knowledge about these subjects.


 Semester 1  Semester 2
1.1 Accounting & Finance Management -I 2.1 Accounting & Finance Management –II
1.2 Commerce –I (Business Development) 2.2 Commerce –II (Business Development)
1.3 Business Economics -I 2.3 Business Economics –II
1.4 Business Communications -I 2.4 Business Communication – II
1.5 Environment Studies – I 2.5 Environment Studies – II
1.6 Foundation Course – I 2.6 Foundation Course –II
1.7 Mathematics & Statistical Techniques -I 2.7 Mathematics & Statistical Techniques -II


 Semester 3  Semester 4
 3.1 Accounting & Finance Management –III  4.1 Accounting & Finance Management –IV
3.2 Financial Accounting & Auditing – V: Introduction to Management Accounting 4.2 Financial Accounting & Auditing – VI: Auditing
3.3 Commerce – III (Management & Finance)  4.3 Commerce – IV (Mgt: Production & Finance)
3.4 Business Economics -III  4.4 Business Economics –IV
3.5 Advertising-I  4.5 Advertising-II
3.6 Foundation Course –III  4.6 Foundation Course –IV
3.7 Business Law – I  4.7 Business Law – II


 Semester 5  Semester 6
5.1 Financial Accounting & Auditing–VII: Financial Accounting 6.1 Financial Accounting & Auditing- IX: Financial Accounting
5.2 Financial Accounting & Auditing–VII: Cost Accounting 6.2 Financial Accounting & Auditing – X: Auditing & Cost Accounting
5.3 Commerce –V (Marketing) 6.3 Commerce –VI (Marketing & HRM)
5.4 Applied Component (Two)
(a) Export Marketing –IOr(b) Computer System and Applications –I
6.4 Applied Component (Two):
(a) Export Marketing –IIOr(b) Computer System and Applications –II
5.5 Business Economics – V 6.5 Business Economics – VI
5.6 Project Work –I 6.6 Project Work –II

FYBCom Syllabus

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SYBCom Syllabus

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TYBCom Syllabus

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B.Com with banking and insurance has been designed for financial theory and analysis that are particularly relevant to the understanding of the in banking and insurance sectors.

The Globalization of business and the integration of financial markets imply that banking is an increasingly international business. The course develops the concepts and skills that are required by financial analysts operating in this environment. The courses also provide an understanding of contemporary financial problems and issues faced by banks and insurance companies.


a. Develops skills in data handling and quantitative techniques.

b. In-depth study of well-defined problems in money, banking, and finance.

c. Prepare the student to explore opportunities being created, in the field of banking and insurance due to globalization, privatization and liberalization.

d. The course develops a student’s ability to interpret and critically evaluate banking theories by enhancing their capacity to communicate ideas and arguments.


B.COM in banking and insurance is full-time rigorous course covering about 39 plus subjects in three years. Student attends classes for subjects like principles of banking and insurance, Law governing B &I, Taxation, financial markets, International Business, etc. The courses provide comprehensive and practical management trading to a student by way of interaction, project, presentations, industrial visits, practical training and lectures by professionals.


After completion of the course, the student would have acquired the necessary competence to work with banks, insurance companies, and financial institutions. It has been estimated that more than 6 lacs professional will be added in the next 5-6 years in financial sectors: thereby creating a gap that can be filled by the newly graduated students. After completion of the course, a student can also pursue a master’s degree related to their area of interest.


A student who has passed XII standard from any recognized board with at least 45% marks in aggregate (40% in case of reserved category) in one and the same sitting.

  • PSO 1:To create for the students an avenue of self-employment and also to benefit Banks, Insurance companies by providing them with suitable trained persons in the field of Banking & Insurance.
  • PSO 2: To prepare students to explore opportunities in the field of Banking and Insurance due to Globalization, Privatization and Liberalization.
  • PSO 3: To give an adequate exposure to the operational environment in the field of Banking & Insurance and to provide adequate basic practical understanding about the field of Banking and Insurance segment.
  • PSO 4: To inculcate training and practical approach among the students by using modern technologies in the field of Banking and Insurance.


Semester 1
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Environment and Management of Financial Services Environment and Management of Financial Services
2 Principles of Management To inculcate in students the Managerial skills
3 Business Economics – I To provide them the knowledge of the functioning of Economy
4 Foundation Course –II (Contemporary Issues) To impart knowledge about the Indian Society.
5 Financial Accounting –I Basic knowledge of Accounts.
6 Quantitative Methods-I Inculcate Statistical skills and to play with numbers.
7 Business Communication – I Develop communication skills and improve the overall personality of the students.
Semester 2
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Principles and practices of Banking and Insurance To make students aware of the rules, regulations, and policies of Banking & Insurance Companies.
2 Business Law To make students aware of different types of business-related law prevailing in the company.
3 Organizational Behaviour To provide them the knowledge of Organization Behaviour with respect to banking and Insurance companies.
4 Foundation Course –II (Contemporary Issues) To impart knowledge Liberalization, How to manage stress and importance of Environmental studies.
5 Financial Accounting –II Knowledge about Shares and Debentures.
6 Quantitative Methods-I This subject gives students knowledge about hypothesis testing which is required for research activity.
7 Business Communication – I Develop presentation skills and understanding of group communication.
Semester 3
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Financial Markets To make students aware of the working of the financial market, institutions, etc.
2 Financial Management-I Students learn about the Decisions regarding the selection of machines, dividend policy, etc.
3 Management Accounting Presentations of statements in vertical form and ratio analysis.
4 Direct Tax Basic Taxation knowledge.
5 Information Technology in Banking and Insurance Provides basic IT knowledge to the students of Banking & Insurance. Excel etc.
6 Foundation Course –III (Contemporary Issues) Students are made aware of the Constitution, ways to manage Disaster Management.
7 Risk Management Different types of risk and management of risk.
Semester 4
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Financial Management-II Students learn about the Decisions regarding the selection of machines, dividend policy, etc.
2 Cost Accounting Ascertain the cost of the product, Various methods of costing.
3 Wealth Management Students learn about how to manage wealth.
4 Foundation course-III (Contemporary Issues) Builds the foundation of the students giving information about technology, stress, science, and Fundamental Rights.
5 Corporate and Securities Law It gives information about the law . Compliance of Regulations Corporate sector.
6 Business Economics-II The economy of the country and different types of markets.
7 Information Technology in B&I-II Knowledge about IT and its concepts to be used in the Banking Sector.
Semester 5
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 International Banking & Finance Gives knowledge about the working of Banks Internationally.
2 Research Methodology How to carry out the research process.
3 Auditing- I What is the Auditing process?
4 Strategic Management The strategic process is learnt by the students.
5 Financial Services Management A student learns how to do the accounting of different kind of financial services.
6 Business Ethics & Corporate Governance Ethics that are to be taken care of in the corporate sector.
Semester 6
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Central Banking About RBI and its Functioning.
2 Auditing- II Students learn about check the book of accounts of the company.
3 Human Resource Management How to manage the human resource as it I sthe the most important resource for any organization.
4 Turnaround Management How to turnaround the the loss making firm to a profit making firm.
5 International Business Business process carried outside the country.
6 Project Work in Banking & Insurance In which students research on a topic related to banking sector or insurance sector.


 Semester 1  Semester 2
 1.1 Principles of Management  2.1 Accounting & Financial Management II
 1.2 Financial Accounting-I  2.2 Commerce –II (Business development)
 1.3 Environment & Management of Financial services  2.3 Business Environment – II
 1.4 Foundation Course – I  2.4 Business Communication – II
 1.5 Business Economics- I  2.5 Environment Studies – II
 1.6 Quantative Methods –I  2.6 Foundation Course –I
 1.7 Business Communications –I 2.7 Business Communications –I


 Semester 3  Semester 4
 3.1 Financial Management-I  4.1 Accounting & Financial Management-IV
 3.2 Management Accounting  4.2 Financial Accounting & Auditing –VI: Auditing
 3.3 Risk Management  4.3 Commerce –IV (Mgt: Production & Finance)
 3.4 Foundation Course –III (Contemporary Issues)  4.4 Business Economics
 3.5 Financial Market  4.5 Advertising-II
 3.6 Direct Taxation  4.6 Foundation Course –IV
 3.7 Information Technology in B & I –I  4.7 Business Law – II


 Semester 5  Semester 6
5.1 Financial Accounting & Auditing – VII: Financial Accounting 6.1 Financial Accounting & Auditing- IX: Financial Accounting
5.2 Financial Accounting & Auditing –VIII: Cost Accounting 6.2 Financial Accounting & Auditing – X: Auditing & Cost Accounting
 5.3 Commerce – V(Marketing) 6.3 Commerce –VI (Marketing & HRM)
5.4 Applied Component (Two)
(a) Export Marketing –IOr(b) Computer System and Applications –I
6.4 Applied Component (Two):
(a) Export Marketing –IIOr(b) Computer System and Applications –II
5.5 Business Economics – V 6.5 Business Economics – VI
5.6 Project Work –I 6.6 Project Work

FYBBI Syllabus

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1 FYBBI SEM 1 & SEM 2 View

SYBBI Syllabus

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1 SYBBI SEM 3 & SEM 4 View

TYBBI Syllabus

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1 TYBBI SEM 5 & SEM 6 View

For all those who are waiting to unleash their “Creative streak” in the media industry ….. with Accounting and Finance is a three-year course designed to develop an understanding of management accounting. Financial accounting, Taxation, etc. The course aims at imparting border financial knowledge to students by which they can manage projects. Business modeling and contemporary developments in business management.

The Globalization of business and the integration of financial markets imply that banking is an increasingly international business. The course develops the concepts and skills that are required by financial analysts operating in this environment. The courses also provide an understanding of contemporary financial problems and issues faced by banks and insurance companies.


a. Develops skills in data handling quantitative techniques.

b. By the end of the course, a student will not only have highly – valued expertise in accounting and finance. They will also have degree-level skills in thinking and problem – solving.

c. The students will be involved in case and activities which give insight into the practical, real-world application of your studies.

PROGRAMME CONTENT in Accounting and Finance is a full-time rigorous covering about 39 plus subjects in three years. Students attend classes for subjects like Financial Accounting. Management Accounting, Taxation, Auditing, etc. The course provides comprehensive and practical management training to students by way of interaction, projects, presentations, industrial visits, practical training, and lectures by professionals.


After completion of the course, the degree qualification opens up opportunities in financial sectors after completion of the students can pursue a Master's Degree in their area of interest.


A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting and Finance) degree course shall have passed XII std. Examination of the Maharashtra Board of Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent and secured not less than 50% marks in aggregate at first attempt (45 % in case of reserved category).

  • PSO 1: It enables students to understand fundamentals of accounting, taxation, costing, financial management, auditing, management accounting etc.
  • PSO 2: It motivates students to do research work in the field of finance.
  • PSO 3: It motivates students to pursue higher studies like Chartered Accountancy, Cost Accountancy, MBA in Finance, Company Secretary, M.Com in Accountancy, ACCA (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants) etc.
  • PSO 4: It enhances students communication skills, social skills, computer skills as well. This programme also updates students with business & corporate laws and business economics.
Semester 1
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Financial Accounting (Elements of Financial Accounting) – I To understand various accounting standards issued by ICAI, Preparation of Final accounts, preparation of departmental accounts and accounting for hire purchase.
2 Cost Accounting (Introduction and Element of Cost) - I To familiarize students with the concepts and practicability of material costing, labor costing, etc.
3 Financial Management (Introduction to Financial Management) - I The objective is to understand the types of financing, leverage, cost of capital, concepts in valuation, etc.
4 Business Communication - I To develop communication skills like writing, listening, reading & speaking considering the industrial requirements. Understanding the objectives of communication, learning various types of business correspondence.
5 Foundation Course – I To make students aware of the diversified Indian Society, inculcate knowledge of the Constitution of India, understanding the political process in India, Learning the fundamental duties and rights provided by the Constitution.
6 Commerce (Business Environment) - I To understand business and its environment, the responsibility of businessmen towards society, understanding contemporary issues, international environment.
7 Business Economics – I To enable the students to understand concepts with regards to demand, supply and pricing from the point of view of the businesses, Understanding various types of competitions in the market.    
Semester 2
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Financial Accounting (Special Accounting Areas) - II To understand the practicability of accounts from incomplete records, consignment accounts, branch accounts, and Fire insurance claims.
2 Auditing (Introduction and Planning) - I The objective is to promote audit techniques with standards, understanding internal audits, planning, procedures, and documentation.
3 Innovative Financial Services To acquaint students with the knowledge of Traditional Financial services, issue management, securitization, financial services & its mechanism, consumer finance, and credit rating.
4 Business Communication – II To enhance students’ presentation skills, promoting group communication, the importance of interviews and meetings, learning trade letters like inquiry letter, complaint letter, RTI letter, grievance letter, sales letters, etc.
5 Foundation Course – II To make students knowledgeable with Human Rights, understanding concepts of Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization and its impact on employment, understanding the environment and its causes of degradation, promoting sustainable development, promoting socialization, reducing stress and conflicts in society.
6 Business Law (Business Regulatory Framework) – I To make students understand the legal framework with regards to different Acts.
7 Business Mathematics It contains the calculation of ratio, proportion and percentage, profit & loss, interest and annuity, shares and mutual fund.    
Semester 3
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Financial Accounting (Special Accounting Areas) – III To provide the knowledge to the students with regards to Partnership Final Accounts, Amalgamation of firms, Conversion of partnership firm into a company.
2 Cost Accounting (Methods of Costing) – II This contains basics of cost accounting like cost sheet, reconciliation of cost sheet with financial accounts, contract costing and process costing.
3 Information Technology in Accountancy – I To create awareness among students with regards to changing and upgrading technologies, making students understand office productivity tools and promoting electronic commerce.
4 Business Law (Business Regulatory Framework) – II To make students understand the legal framework with regards to the Indian Partnership Act 1932, Limited Liability Partnership 2008 & Factories Act 1948.
5 Business Economics – II To acquaint learners with concepts like macroeconomics, prices and inflation, public revenue and public expenditure, fiscal management, and financial administration.
6 Foundation Course-III (Contemporary Issues) To make students knowledgeable with Human Rights Provisions, Violations and Redressal, Dealing With Environmental Concerns, Science and Technology I and Soft Skills for Effective Interpersonal Communication.
7 Taxation - II (Direct Taxes Paper- I) Students will learn how to analyze and manage business taxes and maintain records of the same for a private or public company.    
Semester 4
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Financial Accounting (Special Accounting Areas) - IV This subject covers the preparation of final accounts of companies, the redemption of preference shares, the redemption of debentures and foreign branch.
2 Management Accounting (Introduction to Management Accounting) - I To make students understand the analysis and interpretation of accounts, ratio analysis, cash flow analysis and working capital management as well.
3 Information Technology in Accountancy – II To promote the computerized accounting system, the preparation of MIS reports the implementation of IT in Audit.
4 Business Law (Company Law) - III To make students understand the legal framework with regards to the incorporation of companies, public offer, private placement, share capital, and debentures.
5 Research Methodology in Accounting and Finance To promote research work, understanding research design in accounting & finance, data collection, and processing, interpretation and report writing.
6 Foundation Course-IV (Contemporary Issues) To make students knowledgeable with Significant, Contemporary Rights of Citizens, Approaches to understanding Ecology, Science and Technology –II and Introduction to Competitive Exams.
7 Taxation - III (Direct Taxes- II) Students will learn about Clubbing of Income, Return of Income – Sec 139 and Tax Planning & Ethics in Taxation.     
Semester 5
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Cost Accounting - III It enables the students to understand concepts like uniform costing, operating costing, process costing which costing at each level and activity-based costing system.
2 Financial Management -II To understand with practical implementation the topics like capital budgeting with risk planning & analysis, decisions on dividend, valuation of mutual fund and bonds, etc.
3 Taxation – IV (Indirect Taxes – II) This covers the system of GST, its documentation, how to calculate GST, the collection process of GST, registration of GST.
4 Management –II (Management Applications) It will enable students to understand certain managerial skills with regards to marketing management, production management, human resource management, financial management.
5 Financial Accounting -V This covers ongoing practical concepts with regards to a company like underwriting of shares & debentures, buy-back of shares, amalgamation, absorption, internal & external reconstruction and Liquidation of companies.
6 Financial Accounting - VI It will enable students to understand the finalization of accounts of Banking Company, Insurance Company, Non-Banking Financial Company, Valuation of goodwill and shares also the new concept accounting for limited liability partnership.    
Semester 6
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Cost Accounting - IV This will enable students to understand important concepts like Absorption costing, marginal costing, standard costing, budgetary control, and variance analysis.
2 Financial Management -III To objective is to familiarize the students with topics like mergers & acquisition, business valuation, corporate restructuring, takeovers, hire purchase & lease financing, etc.
3 Taxation – V (Indirect Taxes – III) To study filing of returns, payment of taxes, refunds & accounts, audits and assessment as well. This will also make students understand foreign trade policy.
4 Economics Paper-III (Indian Economy) To acquaint the learners with concepts like the agricultural sector, industrial sector, service sector, and external sector, etc.
5 Financial Accounting - VII This subject will enable students to understand the finalization of accounts for an electricity company, co-operative society. This will also basic knowledge with regards to IFRS and Indian Accounting Standards.
6 Project Work To acquaint students with research-based project work by implementing Research Methodology.


 Semester 1  Semester 2
 1.1 Financial Accounting-I  2.1 Financial Accounting – II
 1.2 Cost Accounting-I  2.2 Auditing-I
 1.3 Financial Management –I  2.3 Innovative Financial Services
 1.4 Business Communication –I  2.4 Business Communication –II
 1.5 Commerce –I  2.5 Business Law –I
 1.6 Business Economics  2.6 Business Mathematics
 1.7 Foundation Course -I 2.7 Foundation Course -II


 Semester 3  Semester 4
 3.1 Information Technology in Accountancy -I  4.1 Information Technology in Accountancy –II
 3.2 Business Law -II  4.2 Business Law –III
 3.3 Business Economics –II  4.3 Research Methodology in Accounting and Finance
 3.4 Foundation Course –III (Contemporary Issues)  4.4 Foundation Course –IV (Contemporary Issues)
 3.5 Taxation –II  4.5 Taxation –III
 3.6 Financial Accounting –III  4.6 Financial Accounting –IV
 3.7 Cost Accounting-II 4.7 Cost Accounting-I


 Semester 5  Semester 6
 5.1 Management -II  6.1 Economics -II
 5.2 Financial Management –II  6.2 Financial Management –III
 5.3 Financial Accounting –V  6.3 Financial Accounting –VII
 5.4 Cost Accounting -III  6.4 Cost Accounting IV
 5.5 Taxation –IV  6.5 Taxation –IV
 5.6 Accountancy – VII 6.6 Project Work -II

FYBAF Syllabus

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1 FYBAF SEM 1 & SEM 2 View

SYBAF Syllabus

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1 SYBAF SEM 3 & SEM 4 View

TYBAF Syllabus

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1 TYBAF SEM 5 & SEM 6 View

For the future manager or the next-gen business tycoons…

A Three Year Degree Programme Divided into Six Semesters, taught by Full time and Visiting faculties who are experts in their subjects. The College is committed to providing in-depth training using the latest equipment in computers, Solving Case Studies, practical experience, and industrial visits.

The Degree Aims to develop a range of business knowledge and skills, together with the self-awareness and personal development appropriate to Management careers. The program is designed to give a thorough grounding in the basic management disciplines followed by a series of more specialized options during 3rd year.


The course prepares a student to exploit opportunities in the Management profession. The course gives adequate exposure to the operational environment in the field of Management and inculcates training in the use of modern technology for the benefit of student and Industry by providing them with suitably trained persons.


BMS is a full-time rigorous course covering 39 Subjects in three years which cover some areas of management like Finance, Law, Economics, Accounting, Management, Marketing, Operation Management, Organizations Behavior, etc.

The course provides comprehensive and practical management training to students by way of interaction, projects, presentations, industrial visits, practical training, and lectures by professionals.

In their Last Year, students can specialize in certain subjects making them compatible with the opportunities that exist in the external environment.


Students who complete the course are expected to have lucrative employment opportunities in private, corporate sector in export-import departments, governmental organizations, all India institutions like Export-Import, commercial banks, financial institutions, multinational companies in India and abroad. The students can start their own consultancy, export-import units in Foreign Trade.


A Student eligible for admission to the B.M.S. degree course shall have passed HSC or its equivalent and should have secured not less than 45% marks, in case of students belonging to Open Category and not less than 40% marks, in the case of students belonging to Reserved Category.



 Semester 1  Semester 2
 1.1 Foundation of Human Skills -1  2.1 Accounting & Finance Management –II
 1.2 Introduction to Financial Accounting  2.2 Commerce –II (Business Development)
 1.3 Business Law  2.3 Business Economics –II
 1.4 Business Statistics  2.4 Business Communications -II
 1.5 Business Communication -I  2.5 Environment Studies – II
 1.6 Business Economics  2.6 Foundation Course – II
 1.7 Foundation Course -I 2.7 Mathematics & Statistical Techniques -II


 Semester 3  Semester 4
 3.1 IT in Management -I  4.1 IT in Management -II
 3.2 Business Planning & Entrepreneurial Management  4.2 Business Research Method
 3.3 Accounting For Managerial Decisions  4.3 Managerial Economics – II
 3.4 Foundation Course – III  4.4 Production & Total Quality Management
 3.5 Strategic Management  4.5 Foundation course – IV
Any ONE Elective (Finance/HR/Marketing) Any ONE Elective (Finance/HR/Marketing)
Finance:  Finance:
 3.6 Introduction to Cost Accounting  4.6 Auditing
 3.7 Corporate Finance  4.7 Strategic Cost Management
Marketing:  Marketing:
 3.6 Consumer Behavior  4.6 Integrated Marketing Communication
 3.7 Advertising  4.7 Rural Marketing
 Human Resource:  Human Resource:
 3.6 Recruitment & Selection 4.6 Training & Development in HRM
 3.7 Motivation Leadership 4.7 Change Management


 Semester 5  Semester 6
Compulsory Papers Compulsory Papers
 5.1 Logistics and Supply Management  6.1 Operation Research
 5.2 Corporate Communication  6.2 Project Work –I (Research Black Book)
Any ONE Elective (Finance/HR/Marketing) Any ONE Elective (Finance/HR/Marketing)
 Finance:  Finance:
 5.3 Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management 6.3 Strategic Financial Management
 5.4 Commodity & Derivative Market  6.4 International Finance
 5.5 Wealth Management  6.5 Innovative Finance Service
 5.6 Financial Accounting  6.6 Project Management
 Marketing:  Marketing:
 5.3 Service Marketing  6.3 Brand Management
 5.4 E-Commerce & Digital Marketing  6.4 Retail Management
 5.5 Sales & Distribution Management  6.5 International Management
 5.6 Customer Relationship Management  6.6 Media Planning & Marketing
 Human Resources:  Human Resources:
 5.3 Finance for HR Professional & Compensation Management  6.3 HRM in Global Perspective
 5.4 Strategic HR Management and HR Policies  6.4 Organizational Development
 5.5 Performance Management & Career Planning  6.5 HRM in Service Sector Management
 5.6 Industrial Relation  6.6 Workforce Diversity
  • PSO 1:Establish a solid academic basis by taking classes in both the management field and other, more specialised subjects, such as management, communication, teamwork, leadership, ethics, and integrity, as well as courses on decision-making and problem-solving skills.
  • PSO 2: Develop your critical thinking skills across a range of topics to help you create an informed, autonomous viewpoint.
  • PSO 3: Ability to understand and commit to personal and professional ethics, responsibilities and code of conduct of management practices.
  • PSO 4: To comprehend the effects of management actions on sustainability and the environment, to be sensitive to those effects, and to take the necessary precautions to reduce any new risks.


Semester 1
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Introduction to Financial Accounting To train on Basic knowledge of Accounts .
2 Business Communication-1 Develop communication skills and improve overall personality of the students To inculcate in students the Managerial skills.
3 Foundation Course-1 To impart knowledge about the Indian society.
4 Business Economics To provide them the knowledge of functioning of Economy.
5 Business Law To guide them regarding the Law & order system of India.
6 Foundation of Human skills To make them understand the basic foundation of Human characteristics, skills traits etc.
7 Business Statistics Inculcate Statistical skills and to play with numbers
Semester 2
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Business Environment To make students aware of the Business atmosphere, the situation, conditions, factors of business in the economy.
2 Business Communication-2 To enhance the Communication skills in a much better way & polish it more to achieve perfection
3 Foundation Course-II To provide them the knowledge of the society as a whole.
4 Principles of Management To impart knowledge on basic rules & fundamentals of management aspects
5 Industrial law To give them basic idea on Law & order related to a factory, industry & company.
6 Principles of Marketing This subject gives student knowledge about various marketing skills,aspects & variables in the business world.
7 Business Mathematics Helps the students to understand various Mathematical tools & how to apply them in industry to make decisions profitable.
Semester 3
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 IT in management-I. To give a basic glimpse on Information technology.
2 2 Business planning & entrepreneurial Management . To highlight the main features of Business & Entrepreneurship world.
3 Accounting for Managerial Decisions To make students aware of the Managerial accounting & how does it affect the well-being & decision making criterias of the business.
4 Foundation course-3. Gives an idea of the Society & culture of the country in depth.
5 Strategic Management Guides the students in terms of tactfully handling & managing the situations. Making them know that if strategies applied to a work/task can be more better enough as a output.
6 FINANCE SUBJECTS This is an elective which has 2 subjects under it,giving students a glimpse of Financial world & its related points.
7 MARKETING SUBJECTS This is an elective which has 2 subjects under it, giving students a glimpse of Marketing world & its related points.
8 HUMAN RESOURCE SUBJECTS This is an elective which has 2 subjects under it,giving students a glimpse of Human resource & its management & its related points.
Semester 4
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 IT in management-II. To guide them on the next level of I.T related aspects & enhance their technical knowledge & skills.
2 Business research methods To make them understand everything about research,its process & outcome.
3 Business Economics-II. To provide them the knowledge of Macro functioning of Economy in detail.
4 Production & Quality Management. To make them aware of the production aspects of a firm & its related parameters.
5 Foundation Course-IV To impart knowledge about the Indian society & the issues of it.
6 FINANCE SUBJECTS This is an elective which has 2 subjects under it,giving students a glimpse of Financial world & its related points.
7 MARKETING SUBJECTS This is an elective which has 2 subjects under it, giving students a glimpse of Marketing world & its related points.
8 HUMAN RESOURCE SUBJECTS This is an elective which has 2 subjects under it,giving students a glimpse of Human resource & its management & its related points.
Semester 5
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Logistics and Supply Chain Management To make students aware of the importance of Logistical elements related to business.
2 Corporate Communication & Public relation To enhance the Communication skills at corporate level & give a glimpse of Public relation to them
3 FINANCE SUBJECTS To provide the students in depth knowledge of Finance technicalities; includes 4 subjects as specialization in Finance.
4 MARKETING SUBJECTS To provide the students in depth knowledge of Marketing aspects; includes 4 subjects as specialization in Marketing
5 HUMAN RESOURCE SUBJECTS To provide the students in depth knowledge of aspects related to Human Resource; includes 4 subjects as specialization in HR.
Semester 6
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Operation Research To make the students learn the Engineering Maths related to production inorder to enhance their production skills in much more calculative way.
2 Research Project work This makes a student aware of how a research is conducted on a particular topic, industry, company etc & to draw out certain conclusions through it with some suggestions.
3 FINANCE SUBJECTS To provide the students in depth knowledge of Finance technicalities; includes 4 subjects as specialization in Finance.
4 MARKETING SUBJECTS To provide the students in depth knowledge of Marketing aspects; includes 4 subjects as specialization in Marketing.
5 HUMAN RESOURCE SUBJECTS To provide the students in depth knowledge of aspects related to Human Resource; includes 4 subjects as specialization in HR.

FYBMS Syllabus

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1 FYBMS Semester I & II View

SYBMS Syllabus

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1 SYBMS Semester III & IV View

TYBMS Syllabus

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1 TYBMS Semester V & VI View

For the future IT professionals waiting to make a mark in the world of technology…

The Programme has been designed to develop an overview of business information technology, including strategic planning, web-based systems, quality issues networking, and software developments.


Highly practical- integration of theory and skills into practical applications in business. The course focuses on a systematic and professional approach to developing IT Systems. Imparts knowledge of advanced IT Applications, useful in various sectors.


B. Sc. in Information Technology is a three-year full-time course covering 39 plus Subjects spread over in Six Semesters. In third-year students choose special elective subjects.


After completion of the course, the B.Sc IT Graduate can map the opportunities that lie in Various Sectors.
After completion of the course a student may also pursue a Master's Degree related to their area of interest.


A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology shall have passed HSC (XII std) examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with Mathematics and Statistics as one of the subjects and should have secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate for open category and 40% marks in aggregate in case of reserved category students.

Candidates who have passed Diploma (Three Years after SSC/Xth Standard) in Information Technology, Computer Technology/Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/Electrical, Electronics and Video Engineering and allied branches/Mechanical Engineering and allied branches/civil and Allied branches are eligible for direct admission to the second year of the B.Sc. IT degree course. However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government Body. Minimum marks required 45% aggregate for open category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.


Candidates with post-HSC diploma in Information Technology/Computer Technology/Computer Engineering/Computer Science and Allied branches will be eligible for direct admission to the Second year of B.Sc.-IT. However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government Body. Minimum marks required 45% aggregate for open category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.

Admission will be on merit, based on the order of preference as follows:

1. Marks in Mathematics and Statistics at HSC or equivalent examination.

2. Aggregate marks at HSC or equivalent examination.

3. Aggregate marks at SSC or equivalent examination.

 Compulsory Subjects
 Health & Physical Education
 Optional Subjects
Hindi/Information Technology


 Semester 1  Semester 2
 1.1 Imperative Programming  2.1 Objects oriented Programming
 1.2 Digital Electronic  2.2 Microprocessor Architecture
 1.3 Operating systems  2.3 Web Programming
 1.4 Discrete Mathematics  2.4 Numerical & Statistical Methods
 1.5 Communication skills  2.5 Green Computing


 Semester 3  Semester 4
 3.1 Computer Networking  4.1 Core Java
3.2 Database Management System  4.2 Introduction to Embedded System
 3.3 Python Programming  4.3 Computer Oriented Statistical Techniques
 3.4 Applied Maths  4.4 Software Engineering
 3.5 Data Structure  4.5 Computer Graphics


 Semester 5  Semester 6
 5.1 Software Project Management  6.1 Software Quality Assurance
 5.2 Internet of things  6.2 Security in Computing
 5.3 Advance web programming  6.3 Business intelligence
 5.4 Artificial Intelligence  6.4 Enterprise Methodology
 5.5 Enterprise Java  6.5 Project Implementation
-  6.6 Advance mobile Programming
  • PSO 1: Develop and analyse quality computer applications by applying knowledge of software engineering, algorithms, programming, databases, mathematical models, Artificial Intelligence and networking.
  • PSO 2: An ability to use current techniques, skills and tools for programming practically.
  • PSO 3: Capability of the students to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems.
  • PSO 4: Ability to provide socially acceptable technical solutions in the domains of Information Security, Internet of Things and Embedded System, Infrastructure Services as specializations.


Semester 1
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Imperative programming It is a programming paradigm that uses statements that change a program's state. Imperative programming focuses on describing how a program operates.
2 Digital electronics Digital electronics or digital circuits are electronics that operate on digital signals. In contrast, analog circuits manipulate analog signals whose performance is more subject to manufacturing tolerance, signal attenuation, and noise.
3 Operating Systems An operating system is a software that acts as an interface between the end-user and computer hardware. Every computer must have at least one OS to run other programs.
4 Discrete mathematics: Discrete mathematics is the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous.
5 Communication skills Communication skills are the abilities you use when giving and receiving different kinds of information.
Semester 2
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Object-oriented programming language Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm based on the concept of "objects", which can contain data, in the form of fields, and code, in the form of procedures.
2 Computer Graphics Computer graphics are pictures and films created using computers. Usually, the term refers to computer-generated image data created with the help of specialized graphical hardware and software.
3 Numerical and Statistical Methods Numerical data is data that is measurable, such as time, height, weight, amount, and so on. You can help yourself identify numerical data by seeing if you can average or order the data in either ascending or descending order.
4 Web programming Web development is the work involved in developing a web site for the Internet or an intranet. Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network.
5 Microprocessor Architecture A microprocessor is a computer processor that incorporates the functions of a central processing unit on a single integrated circuit (IC), or at most a few integrated circuits.
Semester 3
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Data Structures In computer science, a data structure is a data organization, management, and storage format that enables efficient access and modification. More precisely, a data structure is a collection of data values.
2 Python programming Python is an interpreter, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Python can be used to handle big data and perform complex mathematics. Python can be used for rapid prototyping, or for production-ready software development.
3 Applied Mathematics: Applied mathematics is the application of mathematical methods by different fields such as science, engineering, business, computer science, and industry. Thus, applied mathematics is a combination of mathematical science and specialized knowledge.
4 Computer network A computer network is a set of computers connected together for the purpose of sharing resources. The most common resource shared today is a connection to the Internet.
5  Database Management Systems A database management system (DBMS) is a software package designed to define, manipulate, retrieve and manage data in a database.
Semester 4
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Software engineering Software engineering is the systematic application of engineering approaches to the development of software
2 Computer graphics Computer graphics are pictures and films created using computers. Usually, the term refers to computer-generated image data created with the help of specialized graphical hardware and software.
3 Core java Java is a general-purpose programming language that is class-based, object-oriented, and designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.
4 Embedded system An embedded system is a computer system with a dedicated function within a larger mechanical or electrical system, often with real-time computing constraints.
5 Computer oriented statistical technique The term 'Computational statistics' may also be used to refer to computationally intensive statistical methods including resampling methods, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, local regression, kernel density estimation, artificial neural networks, and generalized additive models.
6 Project dissertation The student should start the documentation process from the first phase of software development so that one can easily identify the issues to be focused upon in the ultimate project report.
Semester 5
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Enterprise java  Java Servlet technology provides Web developers with a simple, consistent mechanism for extending the functionality of a Web server and for accessing existing business systems.
2 Advanced web programming The ASP.NET MVC is a web application framework developed by Microsoft, which implements the model–view–controller (MVC) pattern. It is open-source software, apart from the ASP.NET Web Forms component which is proprietary.
3 Artificial intelligence In computer science, artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans.
4 Software project management Software project management refers to the branch of project management dedicated to the planning, scheduling, resource allocation, execution, tracking and delivery of software and web projects.
5 Internet of things The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
Semester 6
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Enterprise networking Enterprise networking refers to the physical, virtual and logical design of a network, and how the various software, hardware, and protocols work together to transmit data.
2 Business intelligence Business intelligence comprises the strategies and technologies used by enterprises for the data analysis of business information. BI technologies provide historical, current and predictive views of business operations.
3 Cyberlaw The New State of the Art in Information Security: Now Covers Cloud Computing, the Internet of Things, and Cyberwarfare Students and IT and security professionals have long relied on Security in Computing as the definitive guide to computer security attacks and countermeasures.
4 Software quality assurance Software quality assurance (SQA) is a means of monitoring the software engineering processes and methods used to ensure proper quality.
5 Project Implementation The project can be done in a group of at most four students. However, the length and depth of the project should be justified for the projects done in a group. A big project can be modularized and different modules can be assigned as a separate projects to different students.
6 Advance Mobile Programming Introduction to Android, Introduction to Android Studio IDE, Application Fundamentals: Creating a Project, Android Components, Activities, Services, Content Provider.

FYBScIT Syllabus

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1 FYBScIT Sem I & II View

SYBScIT Syllabus

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1 SYBScIT Sem III & IV View

TYBScIT Syllabus

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1 TYBScIT Sem V & VI View

For all those who are waiting to unleash their “creative streak” in the media industry

A Three Year Degree Programme Divided into Six Semesters, taught by Full time and Visiting faculties who are experts in their subjects. The Course shall consist of 36 Theory papers.

The Bachelors of Mass Media (BMM) curriculum is designed to provide an adequate theoretical and practical foundation for a career in Mass Media. The course aims to provide students with a firm grounding in studies related to mass media through understanding society diverse cultural foundation and inculcate social responsibility. The skills developed are creativity, critical thinking and originality in all aspects of media.


i. The course provides students with a firm grounding in communication skills and aims to develop ability for critical thinking and creativity.

ii. It gives students an opportunity to combine the theoretical curriculum with practical application, through detailed research, lucid writing skills, oral presentation skills and a mastery of various mass communications media in our global information age.


This is a three year full time course with six semesters. The course shall consist of 36 theory papers, of equal weightege, 6 papers per semester. A student can choose between the specialization in Advertising or Journalism while seeking admission to Semester V (in the Third year).

During the second year, the student receives on the job training through an internship. Besides these Groups, Discussions, and Field Visits will be conducted over a period of three years.


The BMM degree course is considered equivalent to other three year integrated degree courses. After graduation in mass media, the student will be eligible for pursuing a Masters degree in Mass Communication, MBA to name a few options. The BMM graduates are also eligible to pursue careers in advertising and journalism.


A candidate for being eligible for admission to the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology shall have passed HSC (XII std) examination of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary Education or its equivalent examination with Mathematics and Statistics as one of the subjects and should have secured not less than 45% marks in aggregate for open category and 40% marks in aggregate in case of reserved category students.

Candidates who have passed Diploma (Three Years after SSC/Xth Standard) in Information Technology, Computer Technology/Computer Engineering/ Computer Science/Electrical, Electronics and Video Engineering and allied branches/Mechanical Engineering and allied branches/civil and Allied branches are eligible for direct admission to the second year of the B.Sc. IT degree course. However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government Body. Minimum marks required 45% aggregate for open category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.


Candidates with post-HSC diploma in Information Technology/Computer Technology/Computer Engineering/Computer Science and Allied branches will be eligible for direct admission to the Second year of B.Sc.-IT. However, the Diploma should be recognized by the Board of Technical Education or any other recognized Government Body. Minimum marks required 45% aggregate for open category candidates and 40% aggregate for reserved category candidates.

Admission will be on merit, based on the order of preference as follows:

1. Marks in Mathematics and Statistics at HSC or equivalent examination.

2. Aggregate marks at HSC or equivalent examination.

3. Aggregate marks at SSC or equivalent examination.


Like the BMS course, this is also a three-year full-time course with six semesters. The course shall consist of 36 theory papers, of equal weightage, 6 papers per semester. A student can choose between the specialization in Advertising or Journalism while seeking admission to Semester V (in the Third year).

During the second year, the student receives on the job training through an internship. Besides these Groups, Discussions, and Field Visits will be conducted over a period of three years.



 Semester 1  Semester 2
 BAMMEC – 101 Effective communication skill -1  BAMMEC – 201 Effective communication -1
 BAMMFC – 102 Foundation course –I  BAMMFC – 202 Foundation course –II
 BAMMFMC – 103 Fundamentals of mass communication  BAMMCW – 203 Content Writing
 BAMMVC – 104 Visual Communication  BAMMID – 204 Introduction of Advertising
 BAMMCA – 105 Current Affairs BAMMIJ – 205 Introductions of journalism
BAMMHM – 106 History of Media BAMMGC – 206 Media, Gender & Culture


 Semester 3  Semester 4
 3.1 Introduction to public Relation  4.1 Print Production and Photography
 3.2 Media Studies  4.2 Introduction to Advertising
 3.3 Culture Studies  4.3 Introduction to Journalism
 3.4 Understanding Cinema  4.4 Radio and Television
 3.5 Introduction to Advanced Computer 4.5 Mass Media Research
 3.6 Introduction to Creative Writing 4.6 Organizational Behaviour

THIRD YEAR(Advertising)

 Semester 5  Semester 6
 5.1 Advertising in Contemporary Society  6.1 Advertising and Marketing Research
 5.2 Copywriting  6.2 Legal Environment and Advertising Ethics
 5.3 Advertising Design (Project Paper)  6.3 Financial Management for Mrkt. & Advt.
 5.4 Consumer Behaviour  6.4 Agency Management
 5.5 Media Planning and Buying  6.5 The principles & practice of Direct Marketing
 5.6 Brand Building  6.6 Contemporary Issues
- 6.7 Digital Media



THIRD YEAR(Journalism)

 Semester 5  Semester 6
 5.1 Reporting  6.1 Press laws & Ethics
 5.2 Editing  6.2 Broadcast Journalism
 5.3 Feature and Opinion  6.3 Business & Magazine Journalism
 5.4 Journalism and Public Opinion  6.4 Internet and Issue in the Global Media
 5.5 Indian Regional Journalism  6.5 News Media Management
 5.6 Newspaper and Magazine Journalism 1 (Project Paper) 6.6 Contemporary Issues
- 6.7 Digital Media
  • PSO 1: Learners will demonstrate various skills set essential for professions of Print, Broadcast and New Media.
  • PSO 2: Learners will exhibit essential communication skills required to establish and develop professional, social and personal relationships.
  • PSO 3: learners will be able to use analytical and research tools of media marketing.
  • PSO 4: Learners will be able to understand the underlying philosophical assumptions of, and be able to apply, communication research methods to address a range of media texts and audiences, production and technological practices, and relevant social issues.


Semester 1
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 History of Media To learn the history and development of various newspapers, TV channels and radio stations.
2 Visual Communication To effectively visualize the skills of communication through various theories.
3 Current Affairs To be up-to-date with the current happenings in India and around the world.
4 Foundation Course To learn about the constitution and society.
5 Effective Communication Skills I To effectively communicate using various mass media platforms.
6 Fundamentals of Mass Communication To make students ready to use different means of mass communication and know the impact of mass media on the audience.
Semester 2
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Effective Communication Skills II To effectively communicate using various mass media platforms and apply the same.
2 Foundation Course II To learn about the constitution and society in detail.
3 Introduction to Advertising To explore different platforms of advertising.
4 Introduction to Journalism To know various journalistic skills and nuances of journalism.
5 Media, Gender and Culture To know about the relationship between media, people and their respective cultures depending on gender.
6 Content Writing To educate students about how to develop content for various Media.
Semester 3
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Media Studies To apply various media skills with the help of theories.
2 Cultural Studies To know about the culture and its impact on current society.
3 Introduction to Creative Writing To make students enhance their writing skills and explore different genres of literature.
4 Understanding Cinema To explore various genres of cinema.
5 Introduction to Advanced Computers To know about current trends in Information Technology.
6 Introduction to Public Relations To know how to maintain a relationship between the public and the media.
Semester 4
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Introduction to Advertising To explore different platforms of advertising.
2 Introduction to Journalism Introduction to Journalism.
3 Print, Production, and Photography To know how to handle camera angles in media.
4 Radio and Television To learn about ancient and modern developments of radio and TV.
5 Mass Media Research To know how to investigate and research on mass media tools.
6 Organizational Behavior To understand how to manage an organization using various techniques.
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Introduction to Copy Writing To learn how to write catchy jingles, slogans, taglines and content for advertising campaigns.
2 Media Planning and Buying To know about the buying and selling of advertising spaces and time slots.
3 Consumer Behavior To learn about various behavioral aspects of the end consumer.
4 Advertising Design To learn how to design attractive advertisements.
5 Brand Building To learn about various skills to develop brands.
6 Advertising in Contemporary Society To learn about current trends in society and utilize it in the media.
Semester 5- JOURNALISM
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Feature and Opinion To learn about the differences between reporting and feature writing, the special skills required for feature writing.
2 Editing To improve one’s language skills and knowledge about the skills required to be a sub-editor.
3 Journalism and Public Opinion To examine critically the relationship between media and the public.
4 Newspaper and Magazine Making To learn the art of newspaper and magazine design with the help of various software.
5 Indian Regional Journalism To know about evolution, growth, of newspapers and its role in modern-day.
6 Reporting To learn certain basic principles, accuracy, objectivity, clarity, and speed while reporting news stories.
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Agency Management To understand how to manage different agencies such as ad agency, PR agency, event agency, etc.
2 Advertising and Marketing Research To discuss the foundation of research and audience analysis.
3 Legal Environment and Ethics To provide a perspective of the legal environment in India.
4 Direct Marketing To learn and understand direct marketing terminologies, traditional marketing, and direct marketing techniques.
5 Financial Management To introduce marketing and advertising finances.
6 Contemporary Issues To sensitize students to the environment around them and marginalize sections of the society.
7 Digital Media To explore digital platforms and learn about advertising online.
Semester 6- JOURNALISM
Sr.No. Subject Objective
1 Press Laws and Ethics To understand and abide by the laws prescribed by various Press Agencies.
2 Broadcast Journalism To learn the art and techniques of television broadcasting.
3 Business and Magazine Journalism To learn about skills required to write for business and magazines
4 Issues of Global Media To understand concerns raised by the media in the world.
5 News Media Management To learn how the media decides time slots for various issues on news channels.
6 Contemporary Issues To understand current issues of society and media.
7 Digital Media To explore digital platforms and learn about advertising online.

FYBAMMC Syllabus

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1 FYBAMMC Sem I & II View


Sr. No. Title View/Download
1 SY & TY BAMMC Sem III, IV, V & VI View

Bachelor of Science (B. Sc) is an undergraduate degree course usually of three years duration. It is one of the most popular course choices among Science students after Class 12. The course is considered as a foundation course for students who want to make their career in the field of Science.
Students can choose to pursue a General BSc or BSc (Honours). The course is most apt for students who have a strong interest and background in Science and Mathematics. The course is also beneficial for students who wish to pursue multi and inter-disciplinary science careers in future. After the completion of a BSc degree, candidates can opt to pursue a Master of Science (M. Sc) or even secure admission in a professional job-oriented course.
The B. Sc programmes are generally of three years duration. The pedagogy of B. Sc programmes is a combination of theory and practical lessons. The B. Sc curriculum includes practical lessons which carry a considerable amount of weightage. To pass a semester, students need to pass both the theory as well practical exams.
The Institute offers B. Sc programme - General or Pass. The B. Sc General programme provides basic knowledge of the all major Science subjects to the students and includes both the theoretical and practical components.

  • Students passing S. Y. J. C. (Std. XII) with Science
  • Students from other State (eligibility) are required to have ENGLISH as a compulsory paper at H.S.C. level.

This course shall be a full time course. The duration of course will be six semesters spread over there years.


F. Y. B. Sc.

Group A Physics (2 units) 200 marks
Chemistry (2 units) 200 marks
Mathematics ( 2 Units) 200 marks
Group B Botany (2 units) 200 marks
Chemistry (2 units) 200 marks
Zoology (2 units) 200 marks
Group C Mathematics (2 Units) 200 marks
Statistics ( 2 Units) 200 Marks
Computer Science ( 2Units) 200 Marks
Group D Chemistry  ( 2 Units) 200 Marks
Mathematics  ( 2 Units) 200 Marks
Computer Science ( 2 Units) 200 Marks

Compulsory course
Foundation Course (I and II)
S. Y. B. Sc.

Group A Mathematics(3 units) 300 marks
Chemistry (3 units) 300 marks
Group B Zoology (3 units) 300 marks
Botany ( 3 Units) 300 marks
Group C Statistics (3 units) 300 marks
Mathematics (3 units) 300 marks
Group D Computer Science

(3 units)

300 marks
Mathematics (3 units) 300 marks

Compulsory course
Foundation Course (I and II)
T. Y. B. Sc.

Students have to choose one of the following subjects, which they have offered at F. Y. & S. Y. levels.

1 Botany 6 units 600 marks
2 Chemistry 6 units 600 marks
3 Zoology 6 units 600 marks
4 Mathematics (SFC) 6 units 600 marks
5 Computer Science 6 units 600 marks
  • PSO 1: Learners will demonstrate fundamental understanding of the basic concepts of the subject.
  • PSO 2: Learners will analyse the given scientific data critically and systematically.
  • PSO 3: Learners will be able to use analytical and research tools of Science.
  • PSO 4: Learners will be able to think creatively to propose novel ideas in explaining facts and figures or providing new solutions to the problems.

FYBSc Syllabus

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1 FYBSc  Sem I & Sem II View

SYBSc Syllabus

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1 SYBSc  Sem III & Sem IV View

Data Science refers to extraction of knowledge from large volumes of data that are structured or unstructured, which is continuation of data mining and predictive analytics. It involves different categories of analytical approaches for modeling various types of business scenarios and arriving at solution and strategies for optimal decision-making in marketing, finance, operations, organizational behavior and other managerial aspects. This new field of study breaks down into a number of different areas, from constructing big data infrastructure and configuring the various server tools that sit on top of the hardware, to performing the analysis and developing the right transformations to generate useful results. Data Science is an interdisciplinary field that combines the magic of programming, mathematics and business. Combined with Machine Learning, it helps to identify a future trend which can be used to derive actionable insights for creating future impact. These skills will help for the role of a Data Scientist. As a Data Science aspirant, learner will be emphasizing of the knowledge to share from the quantitative analysis to programming concept and extended to business intelligence. Data science can add value to any business which can use the data well. Data Science consists of 3 parts namely: Machine Learning: Machine Learning involves algorithms and mathematical models, chiefly employed to make machines learn and prepare them to adapt to everyday advancements. Big Data: Everyday, we are producing so much of data in the form of clicks, orders, videos, images, comments, articles, RSS Feeds etc. These data is generally unstructured and is often called as Big Data. Big Data tools and techniques mainly help in converting this unstructured data into a structured form. Business Intelligence: Each business has and produces too much data every day. This data when analyzed carefully and then presented in visual reports involving graphs, can bring good decision making to life. This can help the management in taking the best decision after carefully delving into patterns and details the reports bring to life.


HSC or equivalent from any stream / 3 years Diploma from MSBTE or equivalent
Passing Marks – 40%


This course shall be a full time course. The duration of course will be six semesters spread over there years.

  • PSO 1: Apply computing theory, languages, and algorithms, as well as mathematical and statistical models, and the principles of optimization to appropriately formulate and use data analyses.
  • PSO 2: An ability to use current techniques, skills and tools for programming practically.
  • PSO 3: Capability of the students to apply design and development principles in the construction of software systems.
  • PSO 4: Enabling the student’s practical exposure in the software development field.
Examination Evaluation Scheme
  1. Internal Evaluation (25 Marks)
  2. Test: 1 Class test of 20 marks. (Can be taken online)
Q Attempt any four of the following 20
  1. 5 marks: Active participation in the class, overall conduct, attendance.
  2. External Examination: (75 marks)
All questions are compulsory
Q1 (Based on Unit 1) Attempt any three of the following: 15
Q2 (Based on Unit 2) Attempt any three of the following: 15
Q3 (Based on Unit 3) Attempt any three of the following: 15
Q4 (Based on Unit 4) Attempt any three of the following: 15
Q5 (Based on Unit 5) Attempt any three of the following: 15
  1. Practical / Tutorial Exam: (50 marks)

A Certified copy journal is essential to appear for the practical examination.

1. Practical Question 1 20
2. Practical Question 2 20
3. Journal 5
4. Viva Voice 5


1. Practical Question 40
2. Journal 5
3. Viva Voice 5

For Tutorial Exam, a paper of 50 marks to be solved

Subject List


Course Code Course Type Course Name Credits Marks
USDS101 DSC Descriptive Statistics 02 100
USDS1P1 DSC Descriptive Statistics Practical 02 50
USDS102 DSC Introduction to Programming 02 100
USDS1P2 DSC Introduction to Programming Practical 02 50
USDS103 DSC Web Technology 02 100
USDS1P3 DSC Web Technology Practical 02 50
USDS104 AECC Business Communication and Information Ethic 02 100
USDS1P4 AECC ICT Practical 02 50
USDS105 DSC Precalculus 02 100
USDS1P5 DSC Precalculus Tutorials 02 50
20 750


Course Code Course Type Course Name Credits Marks
USDS201 DSC Probability and Distributions 02 100
USDS2P1 DSC Probability and Distributions Practical 02 50
USDS202 DSC Database Management 02 100
USDS2P2 DSC Database Management Practical 02 50
USDS203 DSC R Programming 02 100
USDS2P3 DSC R Programming Practical 02 50
USDS204 AECC Environmental Science 02 100
USDS2P4 AECC Project Presentation on Data Science in Environmental Science 02 50
USDS205 DSC Calculus 02 100
USDS2P5 DSC Calculus Tutorials 02 50
20 750


Course Code Course Type Course Name Credits Marks
USDS301 DSC Testing of Hypothesis 02 100
USDS3P1 DSC SPSS Practical 02 50
USDS302 DSC Data Structures 02 100
USDS3P2 DSC Data Structures Practical 02 50
USDS303 SEC Microeconomics / Principles of Management 02 100
USDS3P3 SEC Case Studies on Microeconomics 02 50
USDS304 DSC Data Warehousing 02 100
USDS3P4 DSC Data Warehousing Practical 02 50
USDS305 DSC Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 02 100
USDS3P5 DSC Tutorials on Linear Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 02 50
20 750


Course Code Course Type Course Name Credits Marks
USDS401 DSC Optimization Techniques 02 100
USDS4P1 DSC Optimization Techniques Practical 02 50
USDS402 DSC Big Data 02 100
USDS4P2 DSC Big Data Practical 02 50
USDS403 SEC E-Commerce and Business Ethics / Fundamentals of Accounting 02 100
USDS4P3 SEC MATLAB Practical 02 50
USDS404 DSC Algorithms in Data Science 02 100
USDS4P4 DSC Algorithms in Data Science Practical 02 50
USDS405 DSC Numerical Methods 02 100
USDS4P5 DSC Numerical Methods Practical 02 50
20 750


Course Code Course Type Course Name Credits Marks
USDS501 DSC Artificial Intelligence 02 100
USDS5P1 DSC Artificial Intelligence Practical 02 50
USDS502 DSC Business Research Methods 02 100
USDS5P2 DSC Business Research Methods Practical 02 50
USDS503 SEC Data Mining 02 100
USDS5P3 SEC Data Mining Practical 02 50
USDS504 DSC Campus to Corporate 02 100
USDS5P4 DSC Project Dissertation 02 50
Elective 1 (Select Any one of the following)
USDS505a DSE Reinforcement Learning 02 100
USDS505b DSE Marketing and Retail Analytics
USDS505c DSE Supply Chain and Logistics Analytics
USDS505d DSE Robotic Process Automation
Compulsory Practical
USDS5P5 DSC Data Visualisation with Power BI / Tableau 02 50
20 750


Course Code Course Type Course Name Credits Marks
USDS601 DSC Machine Learning 02 100
USDS6P1 DSC Machine Learning Practical 02 50
USDS602 DSC Cloud Computing 02 100
USDS6P2 DSC Cloud Computing Practical 02 50
USDS603 SEC Internet of Things 02 100
USDS6P3 SEC Internet of Things Practical 02 50
USDS604 DSC Business Forecasting 02 100
USDS6P4 DSC Business Forecasting Practical 02 50
Elective 2 (Select Any one of the following)
USDS605a DSE Financial Analytics 02 100
USDS605b DSE Social Media Analytics
USDS605c DSE Knowledge Management
USDS605d DSE Data Security and Compliance
Compulsory (Project Implementation)
USDS6P5 DSC Project Implementation 02 50
20 750

FYBScDS Syllabus

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1 FYBScDS Sem I & II View

SYBScDS Syllabus

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1 SYBScDS Sem III & IV View

Hotel Management has become one of the most popular hospitality and travel specialization opted by students who are planning to study a professional course immediately after completing their Class XII. What makes this one of the most sought-after courses is the wide array of opportunities available in the hospitality industry in India and abroad. Moreover, it is one of the few professional courses that can be pursued by students from any stream (Arts, Science, and Commerce).
However, the growing number of students in hotel management courses is making the scenario competitive compared to previous years. Hence, pursuing the right courses and undergoing the right kind of training is required to sail through promising jobs in this sector.
Hotel Management course is intended to train students in different fields of the hospitality industry. Pursuing this course opens up a plethora of opportunities for students in top multinational companies catering to the food and beverage industry as well as in hotels, hospitals, airlines, and cruise lines.

After successful completion of a hotel management course at the undergraduate level, one can opt for further studies and go on to pursue Masters in this field or even an MBA in Hotel Management.
Apart from the conventional syllabus, the faculty takes the utmost care to develop the communication skills and interpersonal skills of a student. He or she is groomed to develop a polite demeanor that is a must for hospitality management jobs.
The Institute is affiliated to University of Mumbai and Approved by the UGC.


H.S.C. or its equivalent with minimum 45% (40% for Reserved Category) from any stream.


3 Year Full Time Degree Course.


Degree in B.Sc. (Hospitality Studies) awarded by Mumbai University.

  • PSO 1:Learners will be able to understand the Functional Areas of Hotels and Hospitality Industry.
  • PSO 2: Learners will be able to perform hands-on training for developing basic skill sets for the core departments of industry.
  • PSO 3: Learners will be able to develop capabilities in working with and managing others.
  • PSO 4: Learners will be able to undertake a piece of appropriate independent research.
  • PSO 5: Learners will be able to construct, analyse and evaluate different forms of argument and present them in a logical and coherent manner.

First Year B. SC (Hospitality Studies)

Semester I Semester II
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name
USHO101 Food Production & Patisserie I USHO201 Food Production & Patisserie II
USHO102 Food & Beverage Service I USHO202 Food & Beverage Service II
USHO103 Front Office I USHO203 Front Office II
USHO104 Housekeeping I USHO204 Housekeeping II
USHO105 Rooms Division Management (Practical)‐I USHO205 Rooms Division Management (Practical)‐II
USHO106 Communication Skill I (English & French) USHO206 Communication Skill II (English & French)
USHO107 Information Technology USHO207 Principles of Hotel Accountancy
USHO108 Food Safety & Nutrition USHO208 Principles of Hotel Accountancy


Second Year B. SC (Hospitality Studies)

Semester III Semester IV
Subject Code Subject Name Subject Code Subject Name
USHO301 Food Production & Patisserie III USHO401


Industrial Exposure Training
USHO302 Food & Beverage Service III
USHO303 Front Office III
USHO304 Housekeeping III
USHO105 Rooms Division Management (Practical)‐IIII
USHO306 Hotel Accountancy & Cost Control
USHO307 Hospitality Law & Human Resource Management
USHO308 Management Information System in Hospitality Industry


Third Year B. SC (Hospitality Studies)

Semester V
Subject Code Subject Name
USHO501 Food Production & Patisserie
USHO502 Food & Beverage Operations Management
USHO503 Front Office
USHO504 Housekeeping
USHO505 Rooms Division Management (Practical)
USHO506 Corporate English
USHO507 Environmental & Sustainable Tourism


Semester VI
Subject Code Subject Name
USHO601 Organizational Behaviour (Compulsory)
USHO602 Strategic Management (Compulsory)
USHO603 Event Planning, Marketing & Management (Compulsory)
USHO604 Core Elective (Any TWO)
USHO614 Advanced Food Production
USHO624 Advanced Food & Beverage Operations Management
USHO634 Advanced Housekeeping
USHO644 Advanced Front Office
USHO654 Advanced Bakery & Confectionery
USHO605 Allied Elective (Any ONE)
USHO615 Revenue Management
USHO625 Foreign Language (French)
USHO635 Services Marketing
USHO645 Financial Management
USHO655 Strategic Human Resource Management

Conducted by the Mumbai University
I. Scheme of Examination

The examinations shall be conducted at the end of each semester.

Each Theory paper and Practical will be evaluated internally and externally. Internal evaluation will comprise 40% and external evaluation 60%.

  • Internal evaluation will be based on class tests, assignments, group discussions, seminars, quizzes, presentations, open book test etc.
  • The Final/External evaluation shall be an examination held at the end of each semester and shall be of 2 hours duration (for Theory)
  • The semester examination for Semester I to Semester IV of all course areas will be conducted by the institution/college on behalf of the University. The University will conduct external theory and practical examination of Semester V and Semester VI. The internal evaluation (assessment) for all the courses in Semester V and Semester VI will be done by the institution/college and internal assessment marks and/or grades will be communicated to the university examination section before the commencement of theory examinations.
  • Every student has to undergo Industrial Training of at least 20 weeks duration either in the IIIrd Semester or IVth Semester. The student is said to have successfully completed Industrial Training when he/she secures a minimum grade of ‘C’ on a 7 point scale.
  1. Performance Grading

The performance grading of a student shall be on the seven-point ranking system as given below

he performance grading of a student shall be on the seven-point ranking system as given below:

Grade Marks in % Grade Point
O 70 and above 7
A 60 to 69.99 6
B 55 to 59.99 5
C 50 to 54.99 4
D 45 to 49.99 3
E 40 to 44.99 2
F (Fail/ Unsatisfactory) 39.99 and below 1

The performance grading shall be based on the aggregate performance of Semester Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination.

III. Passing Standard

  • Grade ‘E’: minimum grade on the seven-point scale denoting ‘Pass’.
  • ‘Pass’ means minimum grade ‘E’ or above on the 7 point scale.
  • ‘Fail’ means grade ‘F’ on the 7 point scale.
  • Students will have to obtain a minimum of 40% marks in Internal Assessment and Semester End Examination independently.
  1. Carry forward of the marks in case a student fails in one or more Courses
  • A student who passes in the Internal Assessment but fails Semester End Examination of the theory paper shall reappear for the Semester End Examination (called Additional Examination) in that theory course. In this case his /her marks of the Internal Assessment shall be carried forward. The grade will be awarded after obtaining grade ‘E’ or above in that course.
  • A student who PASSES in the Semester End Examination but FAILS in the Internal Assessment of the paper shall reappear for the Internal Assessment of that course. His/her marks of the Semester End Examination shall be carried forward, however he /she shall be entitled for grade ‘E’ on passing.
  • The Internal Assessment for students who are reappearing will consist of one project of 40 marks which will be divided into 20 marks for the hard copy of the project (10 marks for contents and 10 marks for documentation), 10 marks for the presentation and 10 marks for the viva.
  1. Allowed to keep terms (A.T.K.T.)•
  • A student shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester II irrespective of grades obtained in each course of Semester I.
  • A student shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester III if he/she passes each course (grade ‘E’ or above) of Semester I and Semester II. or If he/she fails in not more than two courses of Semester I and Semester II taken together.
  • A student shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester IV irrespective of grades obtained in each course of Semester III. However, the student has to pass all courses in either Semester I or Semester II in order to appear for Semester IV.
  • A student shall be allowed to keep terms for semester V if he/she passes Semester I, Semester II, Semester III and Semester IV. or He/She has passed Semester I and Semester II and fails in not more than two courses of Semester III and Semester IV taken together. or He/she has passed Semester III and Semester IV and fails in not more than two courses of Semester I and Semester II taken together.
  • A student shall be allowed to keep terms for Semester VI irrespective of grades obtained in each course of Semester V.
  • The result of Semester IV shall be kept in abeyance until the student passes each of Semester I, Semester II, Semester III, Semester IV and Semester V.
  1. Additional examination•
  • There will be one additional examination for Semester I, II, III and IV for those who have failed or remained absent. Such students will be allowed to appear for the examination by the Head of the Institution, after following the necessary procedures on medical/special grounds. This examination will be held 15 days after the declaration of results but not later than 60 days.

FYBSc HS Syllabus

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2 FYBSc HS Sem II View

SYBSc HS Syllabus

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1 SYBSc HS Sem III & IV View
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